The Building Safety Act, warranty, and the upcoming gateway system

The upcoming gateway system of the Building Safety Act offers a chance for warranty providers to enhance their role as part of a project team by minimising the risk of expensive, time consuming redesigns if plans approved by the Building Safety Regulator don’t meet warranty requirements and require re-submission to the regulator.

The gateway system will demand that building plans are submitted to the Building Safety Regulator at early stages, which will then work in tandem with a Local Authority Building Control (LABC) team to assess and approve these designs.

There is a risk to developers under this process that they could progress through the system of gaining acceptance from the Building Safety Regulator but later on find their plans are not compliant with the requirements of a warranty provider.

This risk offers a significant opportunity to make warranty providers a stronger de-risking partner on high-rise buildings.

Please note - this article originally appeared as an editorial in the June edition of Building Magazine, available here.

Building Safety Act to empower warranty’s role as a de-risking partner

Where and how this opportunity materialises

The opportunity for enhanced service from your warranty provider appears here in three areas.

Early engagement pays dividends

By engaging with LABC Warranty at an early stage, customers gain benefits that significantly enhance their project outcomes.

LABC Warranty offers comprehensive early engagement, aimed at de-risking projects even before the plans are submitted to the Building Safety Regulator. This collaborative approach involves working closely with your team during the design stage of major projects, enabling a seamless transition through design, review, and site implementation.

One of the key advantages of early engagement is the heightened understanding customers gain regarding the products and materials required to achieve compliance. By partnering with LABC Warranty from the outset, customers are empowered to secure materials well in advance, effectively helping reducing inflationary pressures within their supply chain.

This proactive approach not only ensures a smoother project progression but also enables customers to optimise their procurement strategies, minimising potential delays and cost escalations.

With you for the whole process

Without the early input of your warranty provider, your designs may pass inspection from the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), but they may not be compliant with the technical standards of your warranty provider.

If any alterations are needed to the designs, there may be significant time and monetary cost, going back to the proverbial drawing board to bring designs into compliance. Not to mention potential delays and material waste during the construction phase.

To minimise the risk of time and material waste, it will be prudent to involve your warranty provider before submitting an application, ideally as early as the design stages.

A unique partnership working for you

Under the upcoming gateway system, there is a high probability that the building control functions affecting your site will be undertaken by Local Authority Building Control, including the crucial review of designs at early gateways.

LABC Warranty’s extensive work with LABC puts them in the best position to help you produce designs that are safe, include the design features that set your work apart from your competitors, and will satisfy warranty requirements when it’s time to build.


The benefits of collaboration in action

“The upcoming gateway system is an opportunity to appoint your warranty provider closer to the start of a project, and bring them in as an early engagement de-risking partner,” said Colin Lendon, Major Projects Director at LABC Warranty.

“Even without the Building Safety Act, the benefits of the early engagement approach can be seen on projects like The Chain, where LABC Warranty were appointed at the construction drawing stage. This enabled us to collaborate with L&Q to work out solutions concerning the waterproof envelope of the building to ensure compliance with technical standards.

“As a result, the project had a smooth transition to site, with L&Q construction teams working hand-in-glove with LABC Warranty’s surveyors to put a remarkable project together.”


Embrace early engagement today

The LABC Warranty early engagement service is available to everyone that takes up our Major Projects Service.

If you’re planning a high-rise project that will require a structural warranty, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team here.

Read more about how you can benefit from design certainty through the LABC Warranty Major Projects Service here

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Please Note: Every care was taken to ensure the information in this article was correct at the time of publication. Any written guidance provided does not replace the reader’s professional judgement and any construction project should comply with the relevant Building Regulations or applicable technical standards. However, for the most up to date LABC Warranty technical guidance please refer to your Risk Management Surveyor and the latest version of the LABC Warranty Technical Manual.

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