You will be sent a pack of documents to read and sign where appropriate to allow us to complete your application.
The documents will include:
• Rules of registration - This document outlines the rules developers and builders must follow during their registration with LABC Warranty.
Depending on the criteria of our registration process, your pack will also contain some of the following documents:
• Company Indemnity Agreement (CIA) - this confirms the developer and/or builder involved in a development agrees to rectify any defects that occur during the Defects Insurance Period of their policy.
• Associate Company Indemnity Agreement (ACIA) - this confirms that should the developer and/or builder be unable to carry out remedial work, the Associate Company will undertake these responsibilities during the Defects Insurance Period. This document must be signed by both parties.
• Self-builder indemnity agreement (SBIA) - this confirms that the builder involved in a self-build project agrees to rectify any defects that occur during the Builder Liability Period of the policy.