LABC Warranty Application Form

Progress: 0%

    Application Form

    The below form will ask you questions related to you and your project to gather enough information for us to provide a quotation. Please ensure you answer the questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge. If you are unsure about any question then please refer to the help text, which can be found by clicking the yellow icons on the right hand side of the form. if you have any questions about the form or our products then please call our team on 0800 183 1755, who will be happy to help.

    It may also be useful to refer to our Technical Manual.

    1.0 Development Type

    Please select which of our warranty products you need. With the exception of Self-Build, you can select as many of the schemes which apply to your site.

     If you are not sure which products apply to your build then the help text may assist.

    *Please note: We only cover developments in England and Wales, and we cannot provide cover for barn conversions, grade 1 listed buildings, or any properties constructed using oak as part of the structure or the waterproof envelope.

    Have you checked our self build warranty rates?

    Applying for a self-build warranty can take on average 30 minutes to complete. Before applying for a full quotation, you may want to check our self-build warranty rates first.

    Check our self-build warranty rates >


    If you want a quick estimate before applying, you can contact us for an indication of cost here.

    NB: As this will be your main place of residence you CANNOT apply for ANY other scheme

    If No, please deselect Self Build above and select the New Homes Scheme. Please note that the Self Build scheme is for individuals planning to reside in the property for the foreseeable future and if the property is sold within the first 12 months following the inception date of the Policy, it will be cancelled. If you are not planning to reside in the property for the foreseeable future, a New Homes application must be made and all scheme criteria will need to be met.

    Contact details

    Point of contact for each stage of the development process

    1.1 Main point of contact for general correspondence

    Please advise who should receive quotation documents

    1.2 For Access to the Site

    1.3 For Invoice Purposes

    Please advise who our surveyor should liaise with to undertake site inspections

    1.4 For Building Control

    Please provide details of the Local Authority undertaking the Building Control function. Please note LABC Warranty are ONLY able to provide a structural warranty quotation if a Local Authority is being used to provide Building Control.

    2.0 Site Address

    The postal address of the site being developed

    Please provide address details including site name (if applicable) and a partial postcode if full postcode not available.

    3.0 Nature of Development

    The type(s) and number of properties being developed at the above address

    We cannot provide cover on any conversions of barns. We recommend you not to continue with the application as we will be unable to provide a quote.

    If you are applying for multiple units on your development, you may wish to continue as we may be able to provide a quote for the units that are not barn conversions.

    We cannot provide cover for any conversions of grade 1 listed buildings, properties constructed using Oak as part of the structure or the waterproof envelope .

    If you are applying for a conversion of a grade 1 listed building, we recommend you not to continue with the application as we will be unable to provide a quote.

    We cannot provide cover for any developments outside of England and Wales. We recommend you not to continue with your application as we will be unable to provide a quote.

    3.1 New Homes

    3.2 Social Housing

    3.3 Commercial

    3.4 Completed Housing

    3.5 Private Rental

    3.6 PRS Select

    3.7 Self Build

    If yes, please note that we are unable to provide warranty cover where green oak, air-dried (seasoned) or kiln dried oak is used in the external wall construction, frame, window or door construction, and internal wall or roof constructions, regardless of whether it forms part of the weather proof envelope. More information on the various ‘environments’ where ‘oak’ can and can't be used on a project covered by LABC Warranty can be found here.

    If your use of oak falls outside of the scope above, then please provide fully detailed plans of what oak is being used and where you plan to use it so our technical team can review and consider it.

    Block name Sale Price Reconstruction cost

    4.0 Registration

    Developer Registration

    Definition: A Developer is a company which owns the land on which the development is being built and may or may not be responsible for both the construction and sale of property

    Please provide the contact details of the developer

    4.1 Trading Status

    4.2 Company Background

    Providing details of the company / past development experience will help to ensure you receive the best possible rating for your quotation. If no information is provided it will be assumed that the Developer has no experience and it is highly likely that terms will not be provided.

    4.3 Details of previous development projects

    Please detail the type of construction i.e. new build conversion / refurbishment.If you have construction experience with other companies or you have other developments that you have been involved with which you believe are relevant please detail on a supplementary sheet.

    4.4 Membership with other warranty providers

    Name of Warranty Provider Current Rating Length of time registered (years)

    4.5 Associations

    Where possible organisations can / will be grouped together for financial security purposes. We may require some form of financial security and providing details of a company that can provide a form of guarantee will increase the options available to you.

    Builder Registration

    Definition: A Builder is a company which constructs properties on behalf of a Developer or Client.

    4.6 Trading Status

    4.7 Company Background

    Providing details of the company / past development experience will help to ensure you receive the best possible rating for your quotation. If no information is provided it will be assumed that the Developer has no experience and it is highly likely that terms will not be provided.

    4.8 Details of previous development projects

    Please provide details of the Builder's previous development projects.

    4.9 Membership with other warranty providers

    Name of Warranty Provider Current Rating Length of time registered (years)

    4.10 Associations

    Where possible organisations can / will be grouped together for financial security purposes. We may require some form of financial security and providing details of a company that can provide a form of guarantee will increase the options available to you.

    5.0 Technical Information

    General information regarding methods of construction and materials used

    5.1 Attached and Existing Structures

    If yes, please refer to our technical manual (available for download via for guidance on new elements connecting to existing structures and ensure you comply with the following:

    • A Party Wall Agreement in accordance with the Party Wall Act will be in place (will not be required if you own the adjacent property).
    • The separating wall(s) between the existing and new properties meet the relevant Building Regulation requirements.
    • The existing adjacent foundations and wall structures are suitable to support any proposed increased loading(s).
    • The junction of the new and existing wall(s) will be constructed to ensure dampness cannot enter either of the properties.
    • An effective damp proof course will be present within any shared wall(s).
    • Movement joints will be incorporated to allow for limited differential movement.

    5.2 Non-Traditional & Non-Standard Construction

    Traditional construction is defined as brick or block cavity construction or accredited timber frame. Please note that any closed panel timber frame is considered as a non-traditional construction method

    Please complete the following and provide details of the name of manufacturer, system and third party accreditation etc. in the text box provided:

    6.0 Detailed Site Information

    We require detailed information about each unit being registered on your development.

    To start adding units, click the 'Add new plot/plots' button below and provide us with the details required. Please keep adding entries until you have selected and provided details for all the plots you are registering.

    If you prefer, you can download and complete our plot matrix template (excel format) and attach below.

    Download plot matrix template

    6.1 New Homes

    6.1 New Homes - For housing developers building or converting private residential developments for sale on the private market

    Insolvency of Developer During Build cover

    If we can provide Insolvency of Developer During the Building Period cover, we will undertake an assessment of your financial information in order to assess against our underwriting criteria. Following this we will either be able to offer the cover, offer the cover subject to certain conditions or decline to provide the cover. It is important that you review the quote document and attached conditions in full to determine whether cover has been provided or if conditions need to be met.

    6.2 Social Housing

    For Builders and Housing Associations involved in the construction of Social Housing developments

    6.2.1 Social Housing - Additional cover options available

    Please note that these additional extensions to the standard cover provided are available subject to meeting scheme criteria and will incur additional fees.

    6.3 Commercial projects

    Commercial building type - number of units

    6.3.1 Commercial - Additional Cover Options Available for Waiver of Subrogation Rights

    6.4 Self-build

    Individuals building or having their own home built by a Builder i.e. main place of residence

    Number of units Construction end date Tenure

    6.5 Completed Housing - homes that were completed in the last 10 years and require a structural warranty

    For Completed Housing, we can not provide cover if a Main Contractor has not been appointed to carry out all works (at least foundations, brickwork and roof). We can only provide cover if Local Authority were appointed to carry out the Building Controls function. If the property was built to sell, we can only consider cover if a Professional Consultant's Certificate is in place.

    Please complete the below identifying total sums insured / unit types

    6.6 Private Rental / PRS Select - For owners of private residential

    Rent Portfolio

    Please provide addresses and dates when first let of 5 rental properties. If you or the landowner does not have an existing rental portfolio of at least five units it is unlikely we will be able to offer cover. If this is the case, please call 0800 183 1755.

    For Private Rental Select only: Excess required (please select one option)

    Please note: The excess selected must not exceed 10% of the Sum Insured i.e. if the development has a reconstruction cost of £2,000,000 then you are only able to select the £50,000 and £100,000 options. We are unable to offer terms with a £250,000 excess or above for a development of this size. The excess for the M&E element of cover of this product is defaulted to 20% of the excess. The excess options above are only available for projects registered under Private Rental Select and cannot be requested for the PRS scheme.

    6.6.1 Additional cover options available

    7.0 Conversion / Refurbishment

    As none of the properties you are building contains any conversion or refurbishment elements, please move onto the next section.

    Section to be completed if any properties you are building contain any conversion or refurbishment elements

    Please provide copies of relevant surveys, reports etc. with this application.

    Please provide copies of relevant surveys, reports etc. with this application. Where possible, please provide electronic copies of documentation. We will not be able to return any paper copies supplied.

    8.0 Site in Administration

    Name of new home warranty provider Rating Length of time registered (years)

    Can you provide the following supplementary information to support your application

    9.0 Claims Experience and General Insurance Question

    Have you or any director or partner / any individual or organisation referenced within this form:

    10.0 Declaration

    11.0 Supplementary Information

    By completing this form, you are agreeing to LABC Warranty saving and processing the information provided. LABC Warranty may share personal information with credit reference agencies and companies for use in credit decisions and fraud prevention, to pursue debtors and to assist us in the administration of warranty and insurance cover. We may also make periodic searches at credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies to manage your account.

    12.0 Submitting your form

    It may take several minutes to process your application, please do not press back or refresh your browser during this time. Once your application has been processed you will see a confirmation message.

    Processing application. This may take a couple minutes...


    Proin sapien ipsum, porta a, auctor quis, euismod ut, mi. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum. Donec vitae orci sed dolor rutrum auctor. Praesent ut ligula non mi varius sagittis.

    Praesent metus tellus, elementum eu, semper a, adipiscing nec, purus. Quisque malesuada placerat nisl. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

    Add new plot / plots

    We require detailed information about each individual plot being registered on your development. Using the grid below:

     Select the plot number/numbers that you would like to add
    Complete the details associated to the selected plot/plot and then click 'Add entry'
    If required, keep adding entries until you have provided details for all plot numbers
    If you have multiple plots that are identical i.e. the same type and size of unit, with the same reconstruction and sales costs, at the same stage of build, and part of the same block, to save your time, please select all plot numbers that apply and add as one entry.
    Individual plots that are unique from others in your development will need to be added as separate entries.

    If the plot numbers below differ from those you are registering for your development, you have the option to download and complete our plot matrix template and attach it by clicking back to section 6. 

    Select the plot numbers you want to add